John 15:1-11

The relationship the believer has with Christ is pictured in these verses as “the vine and the branches”. Jesus declared Himself to the disciples as the “true vine”. He assures the disciples  that they are already clean because of the words He had spoken to them. In other words, God had already done His part in their salvation by giving them Jesus, and they did their part by believing in Him. God has done His part in our salvation. He sent His son to give His life for our sins once and for all, and when we believe in Him and receive Him, we are attached to the vine.  

Jesus then told His disciples to “abide in Me”. Branches must stay attached to the vine to the vine in order to draw nourishment so that they can bear fruit. As believers, we  must stay attached to our Vine, who is Christ in order to bear fruit. He goes on to say that apart from Him we can do nothing. We cannot bear any fruit of worth unless we are abiding in the vine. Abiding in Christ and thus bearing fruit is evidence that we are truly believers. Abiding in the vine does not save us, but continuing to abide in the vine is the evidence that we are truly His. The author of Hebrews tells his readers in Hebrews 3:1-6 that continuance in the faith is the evidence of our salvation. As the believer abides in Christ, he or she takes on a Christlike character. The believer’s heart begins to reflect the values of God (Jeremiah 31:31-33).

How does someone “abide in Christ”? Jesus answers the question in one word: obedience. We obey the royal law to “love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength”; and the law of love to “love your neighbor as yourself”. Jesus describes the relationship this way: He obeys and loves the Father; we obey and love Christ. Because our relationship with Christ is like His with the Father, we will receive the same benefit, which He refers to as “joy”. The Greek word describes someone who is full of gladness at harvest time when he reaps the fruit of the vine. As we continue to abide in the vine, who is Christ,  we will produce the fruit of a life lived in love and obedience to Him. This will spill over in our relationships with fellow believers as we share in the love of Christ.

Stephanie P.